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About The Bursar


OMOJOLA ADEBAYO OJO was born 3rd November 1967. He hails from USI-EKITI in EKITI State. He obtained his First School Leaving Certificate from Doherty Memorial Grammar School IJERO-EKITI and a Bachelor Degree in Accounting from University of Lagos Akoka Lagos.

He is a Fellow of the Association of National Accountant of Nigeria ANAN, an Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Taxation (CITN) and IPSAS Certified Accountant. He has also participated in courses in Financial Management and Human Resources Management.

He joined the Lagos State Civil Service in year 2000 and he had a good tour of the State Civil Service. He was deployed to the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency LASEPA in year 2000. He served as Account Officer II and he helped to form the Lagos State Cooperative Society that is still functional till date.

In year 2002, he was deployed to the Lagos State Treasury Office, where he was made part of the team that started the Digitalization and Computerization of the Treasury Office through the introduction of Oracle Financial Modules. He was the Associate Head of the Account Payable Unit (AP) Module.

In year 2026, he was deployed to Lagos State Pension Office to Head the Pension Administration, Verification and Reconciliation. Also, he formed the team that implemented the Computerization of Pensioners Verification Exercise. He team lead Somolu axis of the verification exercise.

In year 2010, he was deployed to Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront and Infrastructure A.K.A ‘EKO ATLANTIC CITY’. He was one of the pioneer Accountant of the new Ministry and the new project. In year 2012, he was deployed to Lagos State Drivers Institute as Head of Finance and Account. In 2016, he was deployed to the office of the State Auditor General (OSAG) as Head of Finance and Account.

In year 2020, he was deployed to Lagos State Ferry Service as the Head of Finance and Account. In year 2021, he was deployed to Lagos State Waste Water Management Office (LASWAMO) as the Head of Finance and Account. In year 2024, he was deployed to Lagos State Collage of Nursing, where he currently serves as the Head of Finance and Account.

He is happily married with children.

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