The College Library
The College Library
The Library is the central focus of any educational institution. It is the basic and central bibliographical organ of support to the academic programmes of the University. It serves as a support not only to teaching but also to research and development activities. Consequently, LASCON is constructing a user-friendly Library. In the meantime, the main Library is housed in a building located beside the Multipurpose Auditorium.
About 10% of the recurrent revenue of the University is devoted to the Library. This is to ensure that very current books and journal titles are available to satisfy the major research interests of Faculty members and provide suitable reading materials for students. An electronic library has been installed and is being upgraded.
The proposed main Library is designed to incorporate an electronic library. When completed and fully developed, it would have a capacity for about one million volumes of books in various subjects and about 1000 periodical titles. The electronic library section will have a reference collection of CD-ROMs for easy access to current library information and audio-visuals as well as an Internet facility to provide access to the National Virtual Library, National Universities Commission (NUC) Abuja, and Libraries in other Institutions. The reading rooms of the proposed new Library are designed to be open to students for 24 hours. The new Library is a topmost priority project of LASCON. Some of the key facilities such as the Internet facility proposed for the new Library are being provided in the temporary Library.
In addition to the main Library, each College has a College Library to house a small collection of specialist materials. This will ultimately be networked to the main Library so as to share facilities.
Fresh students are normally introduced to the Library as part of the Orientation week activities. They are also required to take a course in the 'Use of Library.